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Most careers do not require a 4 yr degree.  For those, I will identify the appropriate path to train for that career.


If a 4 yr degree is required for your career, college can be an awesome experience.

But taking on large student loans is absolutely the WORST way to begin your professional life.  


It will burden you with potentially a lifetime of debt which will negatively impact every area of your life.


I will identify cost-effective options to receive the requisite training for your career with little or no student debt, even if you start with no money saved up.  


It's not magic, it will take hard work, but I can show you how it can be done.  


If requested, I will also search for grants & scholarships (please see Grant/Scholarship section for more info).


Upon completion of this journey I will give you a proprietary interactive spreadsheet which will enable you to fully explore all of your options on your own at any time by changing career, school, and lifestyle choices, then instantly see how your finances will be impacted.  You can see a screenshot, plus download a fully functioning copy, and also review a tutorial on how to use it by clicking on the "More" tab and selecting "Spreadsheet - Full". 


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