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2. Personality Tests


What truly makes FCM unique is that I use four powerful tools together to find careers you will LOVE!


I begin with the initial 90 minute interview, or student input form you submitted. 

Then I will ask you to fill out 3 additional forms at home.  Each takes about 30-40 minutes to complete. 


I combine the information from our interview with a long-form RIASEC (Holland Codes) vocational personality test which identifies 6 specific traits that unlock the keys to matching your personality to over 1,000 careers.  


I then further refine your matches using your answers (not the 4 letter code) from the My16 Personality test

(based on Myers-Briggs, or MBTI), to give me deep insight into what "drives" you and what you value.


Finally the Keywords Survey enables me to craft your ideal matches by giving me a detailed understanding of your passions, interests, and motivations.


Combining the information from these four tools, then by hand-selecting career matches (without using algorithms) 

this gives me a unique ability to curate a list of careers that you will LOVE, because they "fit you".

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