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In 7 days (or less) after submitting your personality tests I'll send a list of matching careers (typically 10 to 30).


After you thoroughly explore these options via the links in the report that I've sent you, you will then choose one or two that are of particular interest (having more than 2 options is the same as not choosing at all). 


If you do not like any of them that's OK, it just means I missed something, so we will then get back together to see what I'd gotten wrong.  Then we'll continue to identify options until you are thrilled about at least one.


Once you have identified one or two careers that you think you will love, and have explored all of the links and data I've provided (starting and median salaries, projected growth, skills needed, daily activities, how to become one, and more) it is now time to take a deep dive into learning what it is REALLY like to work in this career.


I will dig in to find out all I can about the job, and have detailed discussions with you to ensure you will truly love it.  â€‹

If requested I will try to schedule a conversation between you and someone experienced in that field 

or arrange a job-shadow opportunity so you can learn firsthand what the job is REALLY like.


Knowledge is power.  


By learning every detail about what your life will be like in that career you can save valuable time and LOTS of money by not wasting both on training for a career which doesn't fit you, or one in which you will not be happy.

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